Future Wars, subtitled in Europe as Time Travellers and in North America as Adventures in Time and known in France as Time Travelers: The Menace (Fren...
Future Wars, subtitled in Europe as Time Travellers and in North America as Adventures in Time and known in France as Time Travelers: The Menace (Fren...
In 1949, Joe King, pilot for hire and owner of the Amazon Queen airplane which he uses for his work, arrives at a hotel in Rio de Janeiro to transport...
Inter-Dimensional Espionage. Inter-Dimensional... because you can "warp" into the body of a living thing in this or any other dimension. Espionage... ...
One night, when Roy Fat was home, thugs from the evil Thindicate corporation kidnap Roy's old lady while she watches television, and the only way that...
Fascination is a mature-themed adventure. The game is about a business man who has invented a chemical drug that increases the sex-drive. Unfortunatel...
The game is considered the third in the Dizzy series and was developed under the name Dizzy III. The actual third game in the series (Fast Food) was r...
The Famous Five: Five on a Treasure Island is an Amiga graphics/text adventure game released in 1991 by Enigma Variations.
Based on the board game, based on the books by P.R Reid (who actually escaped from Colditz), the game sees you controlling British, French, Polish and...
Emmanuelle is an erotic graphical adventure game from Coktel Vision, originally released in 1989 for Amiga, Atari ST, and IBM PC (DOS). The game was d...