The Lurking Horror is an interactive fiction game released by Infocom in 1987. The game was written by Dave Lebling and inspired by the horror fiction...
The Lurking Horror is an interactive fiction game released by Infocom in 1987. The game was written by Dave Lebling and inspired by the horror fiction...
The medieval town of Turnvale has fallen into the hands of the evil sorceress Selena. She is controlling an army of an orc-like warrior race skorl, wh...
You and your squad are on their way back from R&R in Saigon to your operations base when Viet Cong guerillas force your helicopter to crash land in th...
Loom is an adventure game that sets itself apart from other titles in the genre through its unique gameplay system: the player character does not carr...
This is a classic text-parser-with-moving-onscreen-actors adventure game from the early 90's. In this game you are a tech specalist for a company. (Ba...
Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals! is the third game in Al Lowe's Leisure Suit Larry series. Larry Laffer has finally found the w...
Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work! is (despite the number) the fourth game in Al Lowe's Leisure Suit Larry series. The middle-aged would-...
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards is the first game in Al Lowe's Leisure Suit Larry series, largely inspired by the text adventure ...
Unlike the original Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards, the game follows a linear story progression similar to Sierra's other advent...