Otaku no Seiza tells the story of Fuyuu City, a place built in space far in the future. Aurora, a group of five attractive and powerful women, control...
Otaku no Seiza tells the story of Fuyuu City, a place built in space far in the future. Aurora, a group of five attractive and powerful women, control...
When Kenichi Kokuho was a small boy, he was lost in the mountains and never found. However, unknown to anyone, Kenichi has been brought up by his fost...
The humans who breathed the toxin-filled air on the Earth's surface became one with the Earth and kept dissolving. The history of humanity ended and d...
Fushigi no Umi Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water is a Strategy game, developed by Advance Communication Company and published by Toho, which was release...
It is the player's ultimate objective to make it all the way around Japan. If the player ends up completely damaging the bicycle, running out of energ...
The single-player, side-scrolling action game takes the player through various levels, each with a circus theme, fighting various enemies and bosses u...
Take part in a cat and his friends' adventures in their neighborhood! Every day is a new adventure, every object is a new discovery!
In the future, rapidly advancing technology gives birth to giant robots known as "Labors," so named for their usefulness in heavy industry. However, t...