Tatsu no Ko fighter (also known as Dragon Fighter) is a simple platform game published by Tonkin House. It follows the adventures of a young farmer...
Tatsu no Ko fighter (also known as Dragon Fighter) is a simple platform game published by Tonkin House. It follows the adventures of a young farmer...
A top-down driving game where the player must deliver various packages around town, upgrading their moped as they complete jobs. The game has a subver...
In Mecarobot Golf, a mechanical golfer by the name of Eagle was banned from competing in professional human tournaments when it was determined that hi...
Light Fantasy (ライトファンタジー?) is a 1992 video game for the Super Famicom that was released exclusively in Japan. The story is about raising a weak her...
Cyber Knight (サイバーナイト Saibā Naito) is a science fiction PC Engine and Japanese Super Famicom role-playing video game that combines sci-fi space explor...
Jinsei Game Densetsu is a board game RPG with fantasy elements based on "The Game of Life"
As Adol, hero of Ys Book I & II, your most fearsome new adventure is about to begin! The curse of the monster Demanicus terrorizes your friend Dogi's ...
Shounen Ashibe: Nepal Daibouken no Maki is an Adventure game, developed by Advance Communication Company and published by Takara, which was released i...
Seirei Gari is an Adventure game, developed by Advance Communication Company and published by Hudson, which was released in Japan in 1989.
Sansara Naga is a role-playing video game that was published by Victor Music Entertainment exclusively to Japan for the Family Computer on the 23rd of...