Twenty-two years after making his groundbreaking debut on the Atari 2600, Activision's Pitfall Harry returns for more jungle-exploring action. The int...
Twenty-two years after making his groundbreaking debut on the Atari 2600, Activision's Pitfall Harry returns for more jungle-exploring action. The int...
Do you have what it takes to Pimp Their Ride? Enter Pimp City, where bling is king, and style is everything. On these streets, if your car isn't fu...
Enter Pimp City, where bling is king, and style is everything. On these streets, if your car isn't fully pimped out, you'd be better off walking. You ...
Over the Hedge is based on the movie with the same name. Verne and his woodland family wake-up from their winter slumber to find an ominous green wall...
SORCERER BY CALLING. HERO BY ACCIDENT. As Orphen. the powerful but lazy sorcerer. you've always thought being a hero was too much work. But now yo...
Push your bike to the limit. MTX: Mototrax challenges race against seven other riders, perform outrageous gravity-defying stunts, and develop a career...
Monsters vs. Aliens is based on the animated movie of the same name. During the course of the game the player takes control over three characters from...
Urban Assault features various game modes, tracks inspired by real cities and Monster Truck stadiums. They'll be 27 playable trucks in the game which ...
Monster Jam is a video game of the off-road racing genre released on November 13, 2007 by Activision. It is licensed by the USHRA Monster Jam series a...
The player assumes the role of John Anderton, a man on the run after "Pre-Cogs" predict him murdering a man named Leo Crow. The player treks through d...