Batman Forever: The Arcade Game follows the basic plot of the movie Batman Forever. The Riddler and Two-Face have hatched a plot to steal all of the d...
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game follows the basic plot of the movie Batman Forever. The Riddler and Two-Face have hatched a plot to steal all of the d...
What is it about superhero games and games inspired by movies that tend to make them less than great? Is it that the developers take less time over th...
Alien Trilogy is a first-person shooter based on the first three Alien movies. You control Lt. Ripley in three sections, each based on one film: The c...
Based on the successful television show, Alias lets players take on the role of Sydney Bristow, a stealth operative working for the CIA. The game sets...
ZooCube is a puzzle video game developed by PuzzleKings and released in 2002 by Acclaim Entertainment. It was the first puzzle game for the Nintendo G...
Pull a few more Gs in the next installment of the Extreme-G series, XGRA: Extreme-G Racing Association. This futuristic racing game features all-new g...
XGIII: Extreme G Racing is a futuristic racing game. Six teams are competing to win a racing championship, the player taking control of any of the two...
Vexx is a 3D platforming video game developed by Acclaim Studios Austin and published by Acclaim Entertainment for the GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbo...
Urban Freestyle Soccer (known as Freestyle Street Soccer outside Europe) is a sports video game developed by British studio Gusto Games, a company ann...
Get locked and loaded in an exciting prequel to the Turok series. Turok: Evolution is an epic adventure set against the backdrop of living jungles, my...