Shrek SuperSlam is a fighting video game featuring characters from the Shrek series of films. The plot focuses on Shrek and his friends telling the Dr...
Shrek SuperSlam is a fighting video game featuring characters from the Shrek series of films. The plot focuses on Shrek and his friends telling the Dr...
Certainly! Fantastic 4 is an action-adventure beat 'em up video game based on the 2005 film of the same name. Players can control the team of superh...
Napoleon Dynamite: The Game is a video game based on the film, Napoleon Dynamite. The game was released October 30, 2007. Step into the moon boots of...
A mob war is brewing as Philadelphia's and New Jersey's most powerful families are about to collide. As the illegitimate son of "Big Pussy," the gamer...
A mob war is brewing as Philadelphia's and New Jersey's most powerful families are about to collide. As the illegitimate son of "Big Pussy," the gamer...
Based on the popular legends of King Arthur, Legion: The Legend of Excalibur puts the player in control of the famed Knights of the Round Table, as th...
European version of the game.
The mysterious herald known as the Silver Surfer has arrived on Earth. You must unravel his secret to save the planet. You take control of any one ...
This game is a licensee of the 2005 movie "Fantastic 4". Unlike many licensed titles, this third-person action game in the vein of the Onimusha or Dev...
The game allows the player to take on the role of any member of the Fantastic Four team and to switch characters at anytime. Each of the characters ha...