Phantom Breaker Omnia is a fast-paced 2D anime fighting game that features 20 unique characters, pitted against one another to make their greatest wis...
Phantom Breaker Omnia is a fast-paced 2D anime fighting game that features 20 unique characters, pitted against one another to make their greatest wis...
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds is back, and it's powered up! With new skills and equipment, there's even more fun to be had. Battles are even more vi...
A spinoff to the fighting game "Phantom Breaker", "Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds" is a cooperative action game for up to four players.Cute versions ...
The game's original story, involves Kazuma discovering a cursed ring that allows him to steal the underwear of others near him. He learns the only way...
This Japanese RPG follows the story of the eponymous anime and manga, and adds brand new content! Alongside dungeon-crawling elements, a real-time act...
This work corresponds to the other story of the previous work "CHAOS; CHILD", and is a fan drooling work that depicts a romance story that occurs simu...
In CHAOS;CHILD, a series of bizarre murder cases occur place in Shibuya, Tokyo. A young man named Takuru Miyashiro notices that the dates of the crime...
From the creators of the critically acclaimed Steins;Gate comes a sensational new visual novel: Chaos;Child. Set in Shibuya in 2015, a group of high s...
Steins;Gate: Linear Bounded Phenogram[a] is a visual novel video game developed and published by 5pb. for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PlayStation Vit...
The Steins Gate series is made of 99% science and 1% fantasy. But in this installment, this proportion no longer holds true. The players can have 100%...