"Super Mario Bros. Peach's Adventure" is a homebrew release of Super Mario World.
"Super Mario Bros. Peach's Adventure" is a homebrew release of Super Mario World.
Previously known as Super Mario Bros. DX, this is an upgraded version made to work on modern emulators, and has a few audio problems fixed. There is l...
This is a hack that is largely inspired by Super Mario All-Stars and contains many references to the game. The main theme for the hack is SMB1 but br...
Revisit the magic and fun of the classic Super Mario Bros. series on your Super NES! Play through Super Mario World, plus all the great Super Mario B...
Revisit the magic and fun of the classic Super Mario Bros. series on your Super NES! All the great Super Mario Bros. games for the NES have been powe...
Revisit the magic and fun of the classic Super Mario Bros. series on your Super NES! All the great Super Mario Bros. games for the NES have been powe...
Revisit the magic and fun of the classic Super Mario Bros. series on your Super NES! All the great Super Mario Bros. games for the NES have been powe...
"Super Marina World" is a homebrew release of Super Mario World
Super Mahjong Taikai is a Miscellaneous game, published by Koei, which was released in Japan in 1992.
Super Mahjong 3 is a Miscellaneous game, published by I'Max, which was released in Japan in 1994.