Japanese only game. A falling block game in which the goal is the combine four or more blocks of the same color which then disappear. The remain block...
Japanese only game. A falling block game in which the goal is the combine four or more blocks of the same color which then disappear. The remain block...
Puyo Puyo is a series of tile-matching video games created by Compile and later Sonic Team. Banpresto released a version for the Super Famicom unde...
Putty is a platform game where the lead character is... a blob of putty. He has been expelled from Putty Moon by Dazzledaze the wizard and his assista...
Slug your way through the grueling and sweat-pounding matches of the Minor, Major and World Circuits. Dodge bone-bruising punches and dance to the top...
Super Professional Baseball II is a Sports game, developed by TOSE and published by Jaleco Entertainment, which was released in Japan in 1992.
The hideous Red Falcon, thought to have been destroyed long ago by the Earth's greatest commandos, Mad Dog and Scorpian, has risen again, this time pi...
Super Power League 4 is a Sports game, developed by Now Production and published by Hudson, which was released in Japan in 1996.
Super Power League 3 is the third Power League game to be released on the Super Famicom and the ninth overall. The series is once again endorsed by Fu...
Super Power League 2 is a baseball game from Hudson Soft and part of their multi-platform Power League series. It is the second of four games made exc...
Super Power League is a baseball game from Now Production (a.k.a. Nowpro) and published by Hudson Soft for the Super Famicom in Japan only. The game u...