The year is 1999. The world's most popular television show is Smash T.V., an ultra-violent contest between two armed-to-the-teeth combatants, set loos...
The year is 1999. The world's most popular television show is Smash T.V., an ultra-violent contest between two armed-to-the-teeth combatants, set loos...
Super Slap Shot is a multiplayer hockey simulator for the SNES and Super Famicom. It features the likeness of Gordie Howe, but was not affiliated with...
A basketball game featuring 28 teams. Even though the game doesn't carry an NBA license, 27 of the teams are based on the cities of their real profess...
Super Shogi 3: Kitaihei is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Gaibrain and published by I'Max, which was released in Japan in 1995.
Super Shogi 2 is a Miscellaneous game, published by I'Max, which was released in Japan in 1994.
Super Shogi is a Miscellaneous game, published by I'Max, which was released in Japan in 1992.
Shadow of the Best for SNES was never officially released.
Super Scope 6 (スーパースコープ6), known as Nintendo Scope 6 in Europe and Australia, was the title Nintendo bundled with the Super Scope for the Super NES. A...
Super San Goku Shi is a Strategy game, published by Koei, which was released in Japan in 1994.
Super Rugby is a Sports game, developed by TOSE and published by Tonkin House, which was released in Japan in 1994.