Tales of Phantasia is a Japanese role-playing video game originally developed by Wolf Team. It is the first title in Namco's Tales series. Initially r...
Tales of Phantasia is a Japanese role-playing video game originally developed by Wolf Team. It is the first title in Namco's Tales series. Initially r...
Takemiya Masaki Kudan no Igo Taishou is a Miscellaneous game, published by KSS, which was released in Japan in 1995.
Takeda Nobuhiro no Super League Soccer (武田修宏のスーパーリーグサッカー Nobuhiro Takeda's Suparigusakka, "Nobuhiro Takeda's Super League Soccer") is a soccer simulat...
Take Yutaka G1 Memory is a Sports game, developed by Gaps and published by Naxat Soft, which was released in Japan in 1995.
Super Adventure Island (高橋名人の大冒険島, Takahashi Meijin no Daibōken Jima, "Master Takahashi's Great Adventure Island") is a side-scrolling platform game b...
Taikyoku Igo: Idaten is a Miscellaneous game, published by Bullet Proof Software, which was released in Japan in 1995.
Taikyoku Igo: Goliath is a Miscellaneous game, published by Bullet Proof Software, which was released in Japan in 1993.
Taikou Risshiden is a Role-Playing game, published by Koei, which was released in Japan in 1993.
Taekwondo is a Super Famicom title that was released exclusively in Japan and South Korea in 1994. The game is based around the Korean martial art of ...
Tadaima Yuusha Boshuuchuu Okawari is a Miscellaneous game, developed and published by Human Entertainment, which was released in Japan in 1994.