True Lies is a 1994 video game based upon the film of the same name with Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Harry as the protagonist. The game followed...
True Lies is a 1994 video game based upon the film of the same name with Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Harry as the protagonist. The game followed...
Wicked 18 is a golf game with a twist. The player takes control of a golfer on the most extreme 18 holes of golf with tall mountains, canyons and vari...
Grab your clubs and head for the first tee. This golf sim recreates the world famous Hawaiian Waialae Golf Course, noted for lots of bunkers and very ...
Players take on the challenge of one of the most beautiful and notorious golf courses in the world: Pebble Beach. These eighteen-holes demand accuracy...
You and a friend can become star NFL players or choose to coach a team in this realistic rendition of the game of American football, endorsed by forme...
Troddlers is a puzzle game in the vein of Lemmings. The player takes control of an animal-like wizard who can create and remove blocks; these blocks a...
Trinea (トリネア) is a Super Famicom role-playing video game that was released in 1993 exclusively in Japan. Players get to select from three different...
Treasure Hunter G is a 1996 Japanese turn-based tactical role-playing game developed by Sting Entertainment and published by Square for the Super Fami...
An aerial dog fighting RPG created by Squaresoft for the Satellaview.
Traverse: Starlight & Prairie is a Role-Playing game, developed by Pandora Box and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 1996.