"KURIKINTON" is an action game released by TAITO in 1988. The game follows the martial artists of KURI KINTON in their brutal battles with evil fig...
"KURIKINTON" is an action game released by TAITO in 1988. The game follows the martial artists of KURI KINTON in their brutal battles with evil fig...
'KIKI KAIKAI' is an action game released by TAITO in 1986. Player will control Sayo—a young Shinto shrine maiden—in fighting against monsters in or...
'Kid's Horehore Daisakusen' is an action game that was released from Nichibutsu in 1987. Kid, who has been drawn into the space-time labyrinth from...
Kid Niki Radical Ninja is an action game released in 1986 by IREM. Destroy the enemies in your way and defeat the boss that appears in each stage ...
'Karate Champ' is an action game that was released from Data East in 1984. Players train a variety of karate skills with a combination of stick ope...
"Kangaroo" is an action game released by SUNSOFT in 1982. A mama kangaroo must pummel her way through enemy monkeys to save her baby kangaroo. Jump...
"ITAZURA TENSHI" is an action game released by Nichibutsu in 1984. Control an angel and connect the stars to complete the constellation. Various en...
"IN THE HUNT" is a shooting game released by IREM in 1993. Control a new type of submarine known as GRAMVIA in order to stop the plot of the evil o...
IMAGE FIGHT is a scrolling shoot 'em up game released by IREM in 1988. Clear the VR training course, then take the fight up into outer space! After...
'Ikki' is an action game that was released from SUNSOFT in 1985. Players control 'Gombe' of farmers, to go to raid evil magistrate, will defeat con...