Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man

Console: Sony Playstation 2
TV Standard: Region Not Set
Developer(s): Treyarch
Publisher(s): Activision
Release Date: 2005-09-22
Players: 1
Co-op: No
ESRB: T - Teen
Type: Action, Fighting
Ultimate Spider-Man fanartUltimate Spider-Man fanartUltimate Spider-Man fanartUltimate Spider-Man clearlogo

The game begins with a recap of Spider-Man's (Peter Parker) first fight with Venom (Eddie Brock) before he disappeared. Spider-Man fights Venom on the high school football field on a rainy night, before spanning to the middle of a street where Venom was believed to be killed by a downed, live power line. Three months later, Parker has resumed his normal life and has forgotten about Venom. After stopping Shocker, Spider-Man ends up in a race against Human Torch. Meanwhile, Eddie, who is actually alive, has been feeding on people randomly in a nearby park and proves his strength in a fight with Wolverine into a bar and then into a next-door building.