Silent Hill 2 is a 2001 survival horror game developed by Team Silent, a group in Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, and published by Konami. The ga...
Silent Hill 2 is a 2001 survival horror game developed by Team Silent, a group in Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, and published by Konami. The ga...
Dragon Quest V: La prometida celestialnota 1 es un videojuego de rol y la quinta entrega de la serie Dragon Quest, así como la segunda de la «trilogí...
Biohazard Outbreak is a survival horror video game developed and published by Capcom for the PlayStation 2. It was first released in Japan on December...
You're the ones who crack the case! As a police officer in the LAPD you must stop the illicit antics of a ruthless gang of Japanese organised criminal...
This game is a port of Last Bronx. It is very similar to the arcade version, but features extra options. These options differ from the extras seen in ...
KOF: Maximum Impact 2, known in the US as The King of Fighters 2006, is a 3D fighting video game produced by SNK Playmore and released for the PlaySta...
After Burner II is an upgrade of the original 1988 arcade release of After Burner II, being presented entirely in 3D. Aside from this, it is essential...
Portuguese version of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Fuujin Year 130 (Medieval times when magic and gods were of great importance). Two years ago, the great war in the "Old Fuujin Continent" was controll...
PachiPara 14: Kaze to Kumo to Super Umi in Okinawa is an adventure/simulation game for the PlayStation 2, released on July 26th 2007 by Irem Software ...