Adidas championship football

Adidas championship football

Console: Sinclair ZX Spectrum
TV Standard: Region Not Set
Developer(s): Ocean Software Ltd.
Publisher(s): Ocean Software Ltd.
Release Date: 1990-06-04
Players: 2
Co-op: Yes
ESRB: Not Rated
Type: Sports

Natural and responsive player movement with the most simple
of one-touch joystick control ensure exciting and authentic
soccer action. Realistic close-ball control, computer aided
team control and the micro's constant "flow of play"
monitoring all add up to make this the easiest yet most
rewarding soccer game ever devised for the home computer.


Choose your opponents from the 24 World Championship teams -
each have their own styles, strengths...and idiosyncrasies!
You will delight at the on-screen action, realistically
flowing animation, automatic team response and the easy to
follow icon-generated action choices. This game is the choice
of all football players, those who love playing the game
instead of wrestling with the joystick... in adidas
Championshis Football YOU MAKE THE PLAY!


Adidas Championship Football is a knockout competition between
twenty four teams representing the best footballing nations of
the world. Guide your team through each successive round until
you reach the Final to determine the adidas Champion of the
World. Super smooth scroll focuses on "centre of attention".
Simple joystick control gives maximum play flexibility.
Featuring team intelligence, unique profile of computer
opponent skills and special presentation screens.



Position the cassette in your Commodore recorder with the
printed side upwards and make sure that it is rewound to
the beginning. Ensure that all the leads are connected.
Press the SHIFT key and the RUN/STOP key simultaneously.
Follow the screen instruction PRESS PLAY ON TAPE. This
program will then load automatically. For C128 loading
type GO 64 (RETURN), then follow C64 instruction.

PLEASE NOTE: This game loads in a number of parts -
follow on screen instructions.


Select 64 mode. Turn on the disk drive, insert the program
into the drive with the label facing upwards. Type
LOAD "*",8,1 (RETURN) the introductory screen will appear
and the program will then load automatically.


CPC 464

Place the rewound cassette in the deck, type RUN" and then
press ENTER/RETURN key. Follow the instructions as they
appear on screen. If there is a disk drive attached then
type | TAPE then press ENTER/RETURN key. Then type RUN" and
press ENTER/RETURN key. (The I symbol is obtained by holding
shift and pressing the @ key.)

CPC 664 and 6128

Connect a suitable cassette tape recorder ensuring that the
correct leads are attached as defined in the User Instruction
Booklet. Place the rewound tape in the cassette recorder and
type | TAPE then press ENTER/RETURN key. Then type RUN" and
press ENTER/RETURN key - follow the instructions as they
appear on screen.


Insert the program disk into the drive with the A side facing
upwards. Type | DISC and press ENTER/RETURN to make sure the
machine can access the disk drive. Now type RUN"DISC and press
ENTER/RETURN, the game will load automatically.


1. Place the cassette in your recorder ensuring that it is
fully rewound.

2. Ensure that the MIC socket is disconnected and that the
volume and tone controls are set to the appropriate levels.

3. If the computer is a Spectrum+ then load as follows: Type
LOAD"" (ENTER). (Note there is no space between the quotes).
The " is obtained by pressing the SYMBOL SHIFT and P keys

4. Press PLAY on your recorder and the game will load
automatically. If you have any problems try adjusting
the volume and tone controls and consulting Chapter 6 of
the Spectrum manual.

5. If the computer is a Spectrum 128K then follow the loading
instructions on-screen or in the accompanying manual.


Set up system and switch on as described in your instruction
manual. Insert disk and press ENTER to choose 'LOADER'
Option. This program will then load automatically.


(Spectrum and Amstrad)

This is a one or two player game which is controlled by
Joystick and keyboard which is fully redefinable.

Preset Keys

Player 1Player 2

CBM 64/128

Joystick only.

Please note that Commodore players use port two if
a one player game is selected.

The game may be paused during the match only as follows:



Choose either the one or two player game. Each player
selects which country to represent. The draw takes place.

(Each of these screens appears automatically upon exiting
previous screen.)

SCREEN ONE - one/two player. Move arrow left or right
and press fire to select one player game or two player

SCREEN TWO - select your country. Move cursor over the
correct flag and press fire.

SCREEN THREE-the draw. The computer randomly selects four
teams for each of the six groups. Press fire to speed up
the selection process.



The four teams in each group play each other once. The top
team in each group and the two best second teams then
progress to the quarter finals. If a match ends in a draw
an extra period is played with the first team to score being
declared the winner of the match. If no one scores in the
extra period the game is tied.


These are played on a straight-forward knockout basis with
the winners progressing to the next round. If scores are
equal at the end of the second half, the game goes into
a sudden death play off which continues until someone scores.


The main menu, which you return to after each match, has
an illustration for each of the four options. Position the
cursor over the option you want and press fire to select.

The joystick (computer options)

(1) Music on/off

(2) Length of match (2,4 or 8 minutes) per half

(3) Define keyboard/joystick (Spectrum only)
a. Define keys
b. Kempston
c. Cursor
d. Sinclair 1
e. Sinclair 2
(4) Load and save

The cup and notebook (results)

Use joystick to scroll up and down through the results from
the previous rounds.

The football and boots (play match)

The results of the other matches appear one by one until it
is your turn to play. The computer shows who won the toss
and the match starts. Any other results appear after your
match after which you immediately return to the main menu.

The pitch diagram (change formation)

Move the cursor next to the formation you want and press
fire. (The pitch diagram shows what each formation looks


For each country the panel shows:

Name of country
Statistics for player under control
(i) Player number
(ii) Sprint energy
(iii) Kick power
(iv) Kick angle


Player one controls the team in the Red strip (dark on the
Spectrum) and Player two (or computer) controls the team in
the Blue strip (light on the Spectrum). The game starts with
the kick off. If you won the toss, or if it is your turn,
one of your players makes a short pass to you and the game

The player under your control is indicated by a flashing
arrow. (C64 only: player will be indicated by a flashing
coloured strip). You move the player by pushing the joystick
in the desired direction. To dribble, run your player into the
ball. If kick power is low or zero the ball will be knocked a
short way in front of the player in the direction in which he
is moving.

To kick the ball, hold the fire button down. Your power bar
will begin to fill up; when the desired strength of kick has
been reached, release the button. Now run the player into the
ball, and the ball will be kicked in the direction your player
is running with a speed and strength proportional to the level
of power you have chosen.

The small arrow under the kick power bar shows the angle at
which you will kick the ball, i.e. chip or low ball. Press fire
quickly to vary the angle.

If the other team has possession of the ball, you can attempt
a sliding tackle by holding the fire button down and pushing
the joystick in the direction you want to slide.

Free kicks, corner kicks and goal kicks are executed in a
similar manner to normal kicks. The ball is placed in an
appropriate position on the pitch, the control player starts
from behind the ball and no other player is allowed to
approach the ball until the kick has been taken.

When a player knocks the ball over the sideline, the other
team is awarded a throw-in. If it is your throw-in, one of your
players will run to the correct position and prepare to take the
throw. You select the direction of the throw with the joystick
and choose your throw power in the same way you select
kick power.

Penalty kicks are awarded if a foul is committed against an
opposing player in his own penalty box. The ball is then placed
on the penalty spot and the other player takes a penalty. Unlike
normal kicks, the power bar will now determine the angle of
the kick. A low power level will result in a kick aimed directly
at the goalkeeper, while a high power level will result in
a kick aimed at the corner.

When you move the joystick left or right the player then kicks
the ball in that direction.

Controlling the Goalkeeper. If your Goalie is visible and you
do not have possession of the ball, when you hold the fire
button down and push left or right the keeper dives in the
selected direction.


To save out to disk you will require a formatted blank disk. To
save out to cassette you will require a blank tape.

Move the cursor to select which game position you wish to load
or save and press fire. Follow on screen instructions.


When challenging for the ball always tackle from in front.
If you touch the player before the ball you risk committing
a foul.

Play a passing game. If you keep one player on the ball for
too long he will become tired and slow down. Keep passing the
ball to help maintain the players' stamina at a high level.

Play positional football. If you pass the ball in front of one
of your team mates he can run and intercept the pass easily.
Approach the goal from either side, as a straight attack is
the easiest to save.

Use a cross in front of the goal to confuse the keeper and
make it easier to score.


Its program code, graphic representation and artwork are the
copyright of Ocean Software Limited and may not be reproduced,
stored, hired or broadcast in any form whatsoever without the
written permission of Ocean Software Limited. All rights
reserved worldwide.


If for any reason you have difficulty in running the program
you may contact the Ocean Helpline direct by telephoning
0626 332533. However if you believe that the product is
defective, please return it direct to: Mr. Yates, Ocean
Software Limited, 6 Central Street, Manchester M2 5NS.

Our quality control department will test the product and
supply an immediate replacement if we find a fault, if we
cannot find a fault the product will be returned to you at
no charge. Please note that this does affect your statutory


Coding and Graphics by Smart Egg Software
Music by Matthew Cannon
Produced by D.C. Ward
©1990 Ocean Software Ltd.