The Genesis version of Batman: The Video Game follows closely the plot from the 1989 movie. The game consists in six stages, four of side-scrolling...
The Genesis version of Batman: The Video Game follows closely the plot from the 1989 movie. The game consists in six stages, four of side-scrolling...
The Joker lives again in SunSoft's sequel to their NES original. The Joker has somehow managed to escape from Arkham Asylum once again, and Batman mus...
The Genesis title based on Batman Returns is a platform game in which the Dark Knight must traverse five action-filled levels on his way to confront t...
Frigid winter winds swept over an already chilled Gotham City. Random street crimes were running at an all-time high, despite the holidays. Down below...
The Real Game Begins! BATMAN FOREVER! Brace yourself for endless action with BATMAN FOREVER! BATMAN and ROBIN blast into GOTHAM CITY in a duo-player f...
The player plays as either Batman or Robin. There is also a fighting game mode called "training mode" where the player can play as Batman, Robin, or a...
The Mega Drive version of Batman follows closely the plot from the 1989 movie. The game consists in six stages, four of side-scrolling platform act...
Don't miss your chance to compete in the most realistic fishing game for the Genesis. Featuring pro bass anglers George Cochran, Shaw Grigsby Jr., Gar...
The player starts off choosing an angler. Then the player can either go to the bait shop, practice pond, or start in the tournament. In the bait shop,...
Tim and his friends are on a mission to discover the location of the four plates that can be used to activate an ancient space station buried deep in ...