An RPG for the Sega Dreamcast. The story revolves around the life of Kanipan, an inventor that wants to reach TAISHI level in inventor’s degree togeth...
An RPG for the Sega Dreamcast. The story revolves around the life of Kanipan, an inventor that wants to reach TAISHI level in inventor’s degree togeth...
Chocolat: Maid Cafe Curio (ショコラ -maid cafe “curio”-) is a Visual Novel video game published by Alchemist released on December 25th, 2003 for the SEGA ...
Tweedy's Farm is home to a bunch of chickens, who are falling behind on their work load (laying eggs). So Mrs Tweedy decides to go into a new business...
Cherry Blossom (チェリーブロッサム) is a visual novel for the Sega Dreamcast, originally released for Windows PCs. Explicit content from the original is remove...
Charge 'N Blast is a shooting game where you play as one of three marines who have to rid the earth of alien scum. The gameplay is similar to Cabal, y...
Charge 'N Blast is a shooting game where you play as one of three marines who have to rid the earth of alien scum. The gameplay is similar to Cabal, y...
Chaos Field is a Sega NAOMI GD-ROM arcade and Sega Dreamcast game developed by Able and Milestone Inc. in 2004. It was the first game by Milestone, an...
10 outrageous beaches, 5-to-30-foot breakers, and 8 world class surfers including Cory Lopex, Shane Beschen, and Rochelle Ballard.
This is a remake or "modernization" of the classic arcade shooter Centipede, originally released in arcades by Atari in 1980. This remake keeps some o...
Cave Story takes you into a rare world where a curious race of innocent, rabbit-like creatures called Mimiga run free. You wake up in a dark cave with...