In Ayanami Ikusei Keikaku, the player takes on the role of a NERV officer who has just been assigned to Tokyo-3. Upon meeting with Commander Gendo Ika...
In Ayanami Ikusei Keikaku, the player takes on the role of a NERV officer who has just been assigned to Tokyo-3. Upon meeting with Commander Gendo Ika...
In the recent past, a band of champions gathered to engage this threat. Using weapons forged by the great magicians and masters of arcane sciences, th...
The Experience Begins -A massive and highly detailed 3D world unlike anything ever seen -Real-time fighting with moves learned throughout the game...
Includes Original Soundtrack Music Inspired by Yu Suzuki
Shenmue II is the second episode of this episodic adventure, picking up right after the first installment left off. Ryo Hazuki finally makes it to Hon...
"Across the sea, from a distant land in the East, he shall rise appear"...the epic adventure of Shenmue is re-borne once again as Ryo Hazuki arrives i...
The first chapter of Yu Suzuki's epic saga is at hand. Shenmue is an adventure game that transports you to Japan, circa 1986. You are Ryo, a young man...
You're the Shadow Man, a person who can switch between the world of the dead and of the living. In Shadow Man your mission is to prevent 5 serial kill...
Shadow Gangs is an arcade style ninja action game. The graphics are HD hand drawn and traditional style animated. You play the role of Dan the current...
A life simulation which shows how organisms evolve. Take control of one of life's earliest lifeforms and, depending on what environment and habitat yo...