Commodore 128

Commodore 128

Manufacturer: Commodore Business Machines
Developer: Commodore International
CPU: Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz
Memory: 128 kB
Graphics: VIC-II E (320×200, 16 colors, sprites, raster interrupt)
Sound: SID 6581/8580 (3× Osc, 4× Wave, Filter, ADSR, Ring)
Controllers: 2

The Commodore 128 is the last 8-bit home computer that was commercially released by Commodore Business Machines (CBM). Introduced in January 1985 at the CES in Las Vegas, it appeared three years after its predecessor, the bestselling Commodore 64. Some 64 software such as Bard's Tale III and Kid Niki ran in 128 mode without stating this in the documentation, using the autoboot and the 1571's faster disk access. Some Infocom text adventures took advantage of the 80 column screen and increased memory capacity. Some C64 games were ported to native mode like Kikstart 2 and The Last V8 from Mastertronic, which have separate 128 versions, and Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny from Origin Systems, which uses extra RAM for music if running on the C128. The vast majority of games simply ran in 64 mode.

Latest Releases on Commodore 128

Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny

Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny

Enter the realm of Britannia: a world rich in history, adventure, and intrigue. Lord British, the benevolent ruler of Britannia, has been lost on an e...

The Last V8

The Last V8

The Last V8 is a video game published by Mastertronic on their M.A.D. label. It was released in 1985 for the Commodore 64, Atari 8-bit and Amstrad CPC...

Leather Goddesses of Phobos

Leather Goddesses of Phobos

The year is 1936, and suddenly the protagonist is abducted by the Leather Goddesses for the final testing in the plan which will enslave every man and...

A Mind Forever Voyaging

A Mind Forever Voyaging

"If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not..." -Shakespeare IT'S 2031. The world is on the brink of ...