Category: PC

99 Spirits is an RPG/Puzzle game that revolves around the popular Japanese folklore of Tsukumogami, everyday objects coming alive on their 100th birth...

99 Levels to Hell is a platform shooter with lots of guns, upgrades, magic, traps and monsters to kill. 99 Levels to Hell is a rogue-like-like, whi...

98.6 DEADFM will be a future virtual reality title developed by Stress Level Zero. The game will be set in the same universe that both Duck Season and...

911: First Responders is an Action game, developed by Sixteen Tons Entertainment and published by Take-Two Interactive, which was released in Europe i...

In 911 OPERATOR, you take on the role of an emergency dispatcher, who has to rapidly deal with the incoming reports. Your task is not just to pick up ...

90 Second Portraits is a silly speed painting game developed for Ludum Dare 31 Jam competition. Time is money and you have neither! In 90 SECOND PO...

9.03m, is a short, first person, art/empathy game for PC. Not a game in the traditional sense of the word; it aims to humanise, and remember the victi...

9: The Last Resort is a 1996 adventure computer game developed by Tribeca Interactive. The game was produced by Robert De Niro and Jane Rosenthal, and...