The Atari 7800 ProSystem, or simply the Atari 7800, is a video game console re-released by Atari Corporation in January 1986. The original release had...

The Atari Lynx is a 16-bit handheld game console that was released by Atari Corporation in September 1989. The Lynx holds the distinction of being the...

The Pokémon Mini (Japanese: ポケモンミニ Hepburn: Pokemon Mini, officially stylized as Pokémon mini) is a handheld game console that was designed and manufa...

Game & Watch is a line of handheld electronic games produced by Nintendo from 1980 to 1991. Created by game designer Gunpei Yokoi, each Game & Watch f...

The PlayStation Portable, officially abbreviated PSP, is a handheld game console manufactured and marketed by Sony Corporation. The PlayStation Porta...

The ColecoVision is Coleco Industries' second generation home video game console which was released in August 1982. The ColecoVision offered arcade-qu...

The SAM Coupé (pronounced /sæm ku:peɪ/ from its original British English branding) is an 8-bit British home computer that was first released in late 1...