Attack on Titan 2 delves deeply into the fascinating narrative of Attack on Titan’s second season and offers players exhilarating action and new chall...
Attack on Titan 2 delves deeply into the fascinating narrative of Attack on Titan’s second season and offers players exhilarating action and new chall...
Originally released in 2012 for the PS3 and 360, Lollipop Chainsaw was known for being bizarre and campy, Lollipop Chainsaw (RePOP) is a silly, zany B...
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom[a] is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by Nintendo and Grezzo and published by Nintendo for the Ninte...
Follow amateur geologist and reluctant detective Nancy Maple to the ghost town of Crimson, Ontario to investigate the discovery of a massive diamond i...
The object of the game is to protect the fruit from the marauding fruit monsters until the timer (at the top of the screen) gets to zero. You have 3 m...
FBI agent Erica Reed has an uncanny talent: she can see the past and piece together how a crime unfolded. But not even this sixth sense could save her...
Unrest is a role playing adventure game set in a fantasy interpretation of ancient India that adapts to death, failure, and the choices you make. Play...
Moebius: Empire Rising is a contemporary adventure that merges classic point-and-click puzzle solving with Jane Jensen’s sophisticated storytelling. T...
Experience the UFO abduction in first person and take a trip to meet the keeper. Explore layers of reality and learn what is concealed behind the mode...
Hauma is a deduction visual novel set in Munich. Discover a conspiracy amongst the upper echelons of society alongside former detective Judith, while ...