A Japanese light novel series written by Natsume Akatsuki. The series follows a boy who is sent to a fantasy world following his death, forming a dysf...
A Japanese light novel series written by Natsume Akatsuki. The series follows a boy who is sent to a fantasy world following his death, forming a dysf...
Sailing Era: Set in the era of great geographical discovery during the 15th to 17th century, the world is connected by nautical routes, igniting a sur...
Little Orpheus is a colorful and inspiring 3D adventure game, developed by Secret Mode. The game is inspired by classic cinematic works such as Flash ...
Warm Snow' is a Rogue-like action game with a background set in a dark fantasy world, where the eerie 'Warm Snow' holds sway. You will play as the War...
Step into the suits of Ladybug and Cat Noir in their most daring adventure yet! Embark on a thrilling adventure where heroism, acrobatic combat and pa...
Alchemy: Origins is a classic alchemy game that starts you with 4 basic elements and allows to connect them to create more and more elaborate items - ...
MONOPOLY® is back with a fresh look and an improved game experience. Buy, sell, trade properties, and grow your empire in this faithful adaptation of ...
UNO Legacy Edition features the classic card game alongside three exciting DLCs: UNO: Play one of the most iconic games as you match cards by col...
Strange things are happening at Monster HighTM … stranger than usual! It’s your first day at Monster High, where all monsters are welcome, and it’s up...
Solving crime is no walk in the pond. You are a down-on-his-luck detective who also happens to be a duck. Use your powers of de-duck-tion to inspe...