In this action adventure platform game, players will assume the role of Scooby-Doo as he and the teenage sleuths of Mystery Inc. visit Fred's cousin J...
In this action adventure platform game, players will assume the role of Scooby-Doo as he and the teenage sleuths of Mystery Inc. visit Fred's cousin J...
The Mastermind has kidnapped Mystery Inc, and it's up to Scooby-Doo to search for his lost friends. Guide Scooby through 12 huge levels that include a...
Scooby and the Gang are back in an all-new adventure. Join your favorite slackers as they try to solve a mystery of supernatural proportions. The gang...
Scaler is a 3D platform game with elements of combat, stealth, and puzzle-solving. Upon accidentally uncovering his neighbor's evil plot to take over ...
Action-combat game, features seamless animations to match the show it's based on. Jack will move through four realms and 24 levels ranging from a vill...
Rugrats Royal Ransom is an action-adventure game released in 2002 by THQ for the PlayStation 2 and the Nintendo GameCube. The game is based on the Rug...
In Rogue Ops the player assumes the role of Nikki Connors, an ex-Green Beret whose husband and child are killed by Omega 19, a brutal terrorist organi...
The boxing simulator game has several modes, including Movie Mode, Exhibition and Knockout Tournament. In Movie Mode you can follow movie series, star...
Rocket Power: Beach Bandits is a 2002 video game for the PlayStation 2, GameCube, and Game Boy Advance derived from the Nickelodeon cartoon Rocket Pow...
This game features Rodney Copperbottom as the playable main character. You can also play as the Wonderbot and Bigweld in the chase scene. Rodney can i...