Pokémon Jade: Special Pikachu Edition is a hack of Sonic Adventure 7. Pikachu and other pocket monsters join together in an adventure team to explore ...
Pokémon Jade: Special Pikachu Edition is a hack of Sonic Adventure 7. Pikachu and other pocket monsters join together in an adventure team to explore ...
This version of Pokémon: Platinum Edition is a pirate game made by Sintax in 2005. It has nothing to do with Nintendo's official Platinum Version rele...
Monster Go! Go! Go!! II is a hack of Kirby's Dream Land 2 (Kirby of the Stars 2). It is less extensive than the first, Monster Go! Go! Go!! game, only...
Pokémon: King of the Golden Tower is an RPG developed by Vast Fame based on the same engine as another one of their games, Digimon Pocket. In Chine...
Pokémon Gold 2, better known by its pirate rerelease Pokémon Adventure, is a bootleg platformer released for Game Boy Color in 2000 by Makon Soft. Thi...
Pokémon Jade is one of two bootleg hacks of the first pair of Keitai Denjū Telefang games. Pokémon Diamond, not to be confused with the official Pokém...
Pocket Monsters Go! Go! is a hack of The Smurfs 3 released in the late 1990s for the Game Boy Color. The Smurfs 3 was originally in monochrome, but wa...
2003 Pocket Monster Carbuncle is a Pokémon-based strategy RPG for the Game Boy Color. The main character is initially Pichu, but evolves into Pikac...
Pokémon TCG Neo, is a near complete overhaul of the base game in terms of battling. Why? Because all the generation 1 cards in this game have been rep...
Pokemon Kalos Crystal is a hack of Crystal where it utilizes Gen 6 Pokemon. You start with the three Gen 6 or Kalos Starters, and you encounter Gen 6 ...