In Shrek the Third, players journey as Shrek and his friends to save Far, Far Away in a twisted fairytale adventure from the movie and beyond. Assumin...
In Shrek the Third, players journey as Shrek and his friends to save Far, Far Away in a twisted fairytale adventure from the movie and beyond. Assumin...
Shark Tale is a game based on the Dreamworks animated film. You play as Oscar the speedy, talkative, little fish, who finds himself becoming a hero. T...
Hammy the squirrel leads RJ the raccoon, Verne the turtle and all-new forest friends on another daring trip into the ‘burbs. When Hammy’s beloved cabl...
When a housing development intrudes on their woodland habitat and an opossum is kidnapped by an evil exterminator, three wise-cracking rodents and one...
The zany penguins from Disney's MADAGASCAR: OPERATION PENGUIN movie return in Activision's MADAGASCAR: OPERATION PENGUIN for the GBA. The Penguins plo...
Based on the animated film from DreamWorks, Madagascar tells the tale of four animals in New York's Central Park Zoo. You must use the skills of your ...
The only video game based on the DreamWorks Animation and Aardman, Flushed Away lets players relive the movie and beyond as they assume the roles of R...
Dream Management is a Sports game, published by Game Village, which was released in Japan in 2003.
Dragon's Rock is an Action game, developed by Independent Arts and published by East Entertainment Media, which was released in Europe in 2006.
Wish on Dragon Scale and get whisked away to Dragon Land. Then choose your adventure from five different fun-filled stories. While searching for Drago...