Luma GBA

Luma GBA

Console: Nintendo Game Boy Advance
TV Standard: Other
Release Date: 2022-06-16
Players: 1
Co-op: No
ESRB: Not Rated
Type: Puzzle
Luma GBA screenshotLuma GBA screenshot

Luma is a laser based sliding puzzle game for the GBA. Slide batteries, lasers and mirrors around to light the targets within the given shift count. With 128 levels Luma will keep you occupied for hours and test your puzzling skills to the max. Play in Normal mode and try to complete the levels within a designated number of shifts, and return to where you left off using level codes on each level. Or if you are feeling like a more casual game play in Practice mode to test any of the levels with no shift limits.

This is a GBA port from Shallan's C64 game which can be found here. A physical GBA cartridge release can be purchased from PhoenixWare, with my cut going to a local foodbank charity.

GBA Port: Mark Watkin
Game Concept & Graphics: Simon Jameson
Music: Ma2e/DSR (original by Mike Richmond)
Testing: MHZ, WauloK, Gray Defender, Retrobreak Nick
Cover Art: John Blythe
Level Designs: Airjuri, Akmafin, Amok, Chiswicked, Eldritch, Furroy, MrG8472, OldSkoolCoder, Phaze101, RichmondMike, Shallan, SpiritHund, Stepz, Void, Waulok, WizardNJ, ZooperDan