The Lion King V: Timon & Pumbaa is a game released on the Famicom by Dragon Co. as a sequel to their first ever release, The Lion King III: Timon & Pu...
The Lion King V: Timon & Pumbaa is a game released on the Famicom by Dragon Co. as a sequel to their first ever release, The Lion King III: Timon & Pu...
The Lion King Legeng (Shi Wang Chaunqi) is an unlicensed port of The Lion King game for SNES and Sega Genesis, released by Waixing in February 1997. T...
Disney's The Lion King brings to life the majesty of Africa through the tale of Simba, a lion cub faced with the challenging transition to maturity. D...
Zelda: Triforce of the Gods is a bootleg game developed by Waixing for the Famicom. It is a backport of The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past for th...
Long ago, a curse was cast upon the land of Hyrule. This darkness gave rise to the minions of Ganon, allowing them to overrun Forests, Towns, and Mead...
This hack is truly a brand new Zelda™ experience and one that is unrecognizable next to the original game. This hack had a lot of thought put into eve...
The old world map has been completely overwritten by the new one. You are guaranteed not to recognize any locations from the previous game. All locati...
The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Dungeon is a completely new way to play the original The Legend of Zelda on NES. This romhack makes The Legend of Zelda p...
This hack provides a new quest for the Legend of Zelda (NES). It changes many parts of the game while staying true to the original. It features brand ...
This is a test cartridge for the Nintendo Entertainment System, featuring The Legend Of Zelda. These very rare, orange cartridges were originally used...