Mischief Castle

Mischief Castle

Console: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
TV Standard: NTSC
Country: United States of America
Publisher(s): HomeBrew Software
Release Date: 2024-01-18
Players: 1
Co-op: No
ESRB: Not Rated
Type: Platform, Horror
Mischief Castle titlescreenMischief Castle screenshotMischief Castle screenshotMischief Castle bannerMischief Castle clearlogoMischief Castle clearlogo

Halloween is in jeopardy! The Phantom has stolen all of the candy throughout the land and has locked it away in Mischief Castle.

Play as Skeleo and Jackolie, the heroes who will take back the stolen candy! fight the bandits, monsters, and big baddies. Find and collect the candies and secrets that are hidden away. Navigate the labyrinth that is Mischief Castle and collect the keys to unlock your way to the Phantom's tower. Get back those delicious treats!