Zero Time Dilemma is the third entry in the acclaimed Zero Escape series. The mysterious Zero traps 9 participants within an underground shelter, divi...
Zero Time Dilemma is the third entry in the acclaimed Zero Escape series. The mysterious Zero traps 9 participants within an underground shelter, divi...
You thought you'd defeated the Nonary Game, but now it's back, and more deadly than ever. It'll take cunning, skill, and more than a little luck to es...
Zen Pinball for Nintendo 3DS brings an incredible stereoscopic 3D experience to the acclaimed video game pinball series for the first time ever. Fe...
The Hyrule fantasy continues... Link™ returns to Hyrule to search for the Triforce and to awaken Zelda™ from an endless sleep. Embark on a quest to fi...
In Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal World Duel Carnival, relive the story of the “World Duel Carnival” from the first season of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal animated series! Pl...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Saikyou Card Battle will launch for 3DS in Japan as a free-to-play download title on July 6, Konami announced. The game puts players in c...
Based on WB's animated series airing on Cartoon Network, Young Justice: Legacy is an Action RPG where players control multiple characters in a squad c...
VIRTUAL CONSOLE 3DS AMBASSADOR PROGRAM EXCLUSIVE Play as Yoshi to ground pound and flutter jump your way out of trouble! Yoshi™ is back, baby! A...
Yoshi and Baby Mario are back in Yoshi’s New Island, the third installment in the beloved franchise. The series’ fun game-play mechanics such as Yoshi...
Yoshi and Baby Mario are back in Yoshi’s New Island, the third installment in the beloved franchise. The series’ fun game-play mechanics such as Yoshi...