Real Tennis is a Sports game, published by Takara, which was released in Japan in 1983. Title translations Real Tennis (English) Developed by Ta...
Real Tennis is a Sports game, published by Takara, which was released in Japan in 1983. Title translations Real Tennis (English) Developed by Ta...
Rastan Saga (ラスタンサーガ), lanzado como Rastan fuera de Japón, es un juego de acción de desplazamiento lateral de temática de fantasía lanzado originalmen...
The first Rambo game in the series to be released on the MSX features Rambo with an arsenal of weapons and grenades on well guarded military grounds, ...
You control a small car running around in a maze. What you have to is to pick up the ten green flags to get more points. While you try to collect the ...
Raid on Bungeling Bay has the player controlling a helicopter which is on a mission to destroy everything that moves. The only ally is the carrier, wh...
R-Type is a side scrolling shoot-em-up arcade game produced by Irem in 1987. The player controls a space fighter named the R-9 to defend humanity agai...
Quarth is a combination of Tetris-style gameplay and a fixed shooter in the Space Invaders tradition.
Despite it's name, this Q*Bert installment is not a port of the first game, rather it's based on Q*Bert's Qubes. The player doesn't even control Q*Ber...
Q*bert is an isometric platform game with puzzle elements where the player controls the titular protagonist from a third-person perspective. Q*bert st...
The main game of Puyo Puyo is played against at least one opponent, computer or human. The game itself has three modes, Single Puyo Puyo, Double Puyo ...