"The Ward" is the second installment in the 9 Clues series, in which a young detective and her partner respond to a distress call from a psychiatric h...
"The Ward" is the second installment in the 9 Clues series, in which a young detective and her partner respond to a distress call from a psychiatric h...
Against the threat of extinction, can you find a way to preserve humanity? In the near future, severe pollution has rendered Earth uninhabitable, a...
Eight new heroes enter the fray! Plucked from dimensions across the Rising Star universe in a crossover of colossal proportions, they've joined forces...
Two new heroes - Cath Letics and The Mime – team up with the 88 Heroes to bring the pain to Dr. H8. But wait! The evil mastermind gets his revenge wit...
It's 8:08 A.M. on 8th August 1988, and the evil Dr. H8 has brought the world to the brink of total annihilation! His demands are simple: pay $88 octil...
80'S OVERDRIVE is a 2D pixel art racing game, designed to take you back in time to when 8- and 16-bit consoles and arcade games ruled the world. Compe...
The invasion has begun! 8-Bit Invaders! is a fast-paced, sci-fi RTS game. Control the military might of the Galactic Marine Corps or invade with the e...
Dominate the battlefield in 8-Bit Hordes, a colorful fantasy RTS in which players of all levels can storm castles, slay dragons, and raid haunted ceme...
8-Bit armies is a retro real-time strategy game. With a colorful, blocky voxel art style, 8-Bit armies is petroglyph's most fast-paced, friendly, and ...
8-Bit Armies is Petroglyph's first game in the 8-Bit RTS series. It commemorates the first Command & Conquer games with its accessible gameplay mechan...