A magic red jewel, known as the Arumana, is stolen from an unnamed village. A thief runs off with the jewel and turns the entire village into stone. K...
A magic red jewel, known as the Arumana, is stolen from an unnamed village. A thief runs off with the jewel and turns the entire village into stone. K...
A version of Little Computer People for Nintendo's Family Computer Disk System version, published in Japan by DOG (a subsidiary of Square). Based on t...
The third game to be released as a coverdisk for the Japanese Famimaga magazine. All One is a block-pushing puzzle game in which every die must have t...
An officially licensed retool of Super Mario Bros., released in 1986 for the Famicom Disk System. This version is based on the Japanese radio program ...
Aliens: Alien 2 is an arcade platformer (or run'n'gun if you like) featuring Ripley on a planet infested with aliens. Armed with only a basic gun at f...
A scrolling mecha shooter published by Squaresoft for the Famicom Disk System. Akuu Senki Raijin (occasionally transliterated as Akara Senki Raijin...
Transylvania enjoyed a century of peace thanks to the legendary hero, Christopher Belmont, a vampire hunter who vanquished Count Dracula one hundred y...
Eroge puzzle game developed by New System House Oh! in 1988.
Nicol is a young genius who developed the technology to transport equipment across dimensions of space. News about this discovery spread throughout th...
A SunSoft Famicom Disk System top-down action-adventure game that also teaches arithmetic. Adian no Tsue ("Staff of Adian") is an educational actio...