"Caim is a top-down action-adventure game for the C64. It balances action, exploration and puzzles with an emphasis on the narrative. You, an unna...
"Caim is a top-down action-adventure game for the C64. It balances action, exploration and puzzles with an emphasis on the narrative. You, an unna...
"This game is a tribute to Bagman, an arcade game released by Valadon Automation in 1982. It is also the sequel to Bagman Comes Back. This version...
Players control a human who has fused with a machine known as a Spiderzoid; this human has been tasked with reclaiming the six parts of a large machin...
Centuries of pollution have destroyed the environment, causing the few survivors to live beneath the energy dome - outside of this havoc and dark crea...
Ardy the Aardvark is a maze-game inspired by, and a near clone of, the arcade game Anteater. The player navigates the tongue of the animal as it moves...
For reasons unknown, you have been sent to the city of Zyto to destroy it. To help you in your quest you have a truck carrying a rocket which you use ...
In Zynaps you play a spacecraft scrolling across a landscape jammed with alien crafts who swoop and dart at you at every opportunity. You're in contro...
A horizontally scrolling 'always firing' shoot 'em up game with an emphasis on power ups and notable for the fire button only being used to change wea...
Zub is a cartoon platform game, the first title developed by the brothers Ste Pickford and John Pickford as a team. In a humorous twist, every creatur...
All the ingredients from the Zorro story feature in this action game - a kidnapped senorita, an evil enemy leader (Colonel Garcia) and his henchmen an...