The game revolves around The King of Fighters, an elite fighting competition. In this competition, Rugal is defeated and the Orochi are sealed away. T...
The game revolves around The King of Fighters, an elite fighting competition. In this competition, Rugal is defeated and the Orochi are sealed away. T...
The game brings back the team play composed by three characters each that was a tradition in previous games. The game has also several important chang...
Time has passed since most of Southtown was decimated by the now-destroyed Zero Cannon. Another KOF tournament is being held and this time, it's hoste...
After the incident at the previous tournament, the commander of the Ikari Team, Heidern, is determined to figure out the objective of the NESTS cartel...
King of Fighters 10th Anniversory is Fighting video Game.It ia very amazing game.According to game the Genres for game is Versus Fighting.You can Figh...
Two years have passed since the last King of Fighters tournament and nobody has seen Kyo Kusanagi or Iori Yagami since they defeated Orochi at the cli...
The All-Star dream battle is here at last: It's King of Fighters '98! Here come 38 of your favorite characters from the King of Fighters series. Your ...
Despite the events at the end of the previous game, the KOF tournament was a huge commercial success and sparked a worldwide fighting craze. Within a ...
A new King of Fighters tournament was announced, though the letters of invitation sent out to the fighters were no longer sent by Rugal Bernstein. The...
The King of Fighters '95 marks the beginning of a story arc that later became known as the "Orochi Saga". However, the only elements from the Orochi S...