Lords of the Realm is a turn-based strategy game developed and published by Impressions Games in 1994. It was originally released for the Amiga and MS...
Lords of the Realm is a turn-based strategy game developed and published by Impressions Games in 1994. It was originally released for the Amiga and MS...
A puzzle game where the main goal is to make loops! Random pieces are presented over a board, including simple lines and corners as well as S bends an...
Loom is an adventure game that sets itself apart from other titles in the genre through its unique gameplay system: the player character does not carr...
This is a driving simulation is which you get to drive all the stages in the Lombard RAC rally. The game includes day and night stages, along with dif...
Sweet she is and sweets she wants. Young Lolly wakes up and has an incredibly appetite for candy. For chocolate, and for caramel and gingerbread, and ...
Logo features three independent puzzle games with 120 levels each. The main motivational factor are digitized, more or less naked women that appear be...
Log!cal is a bizarre puzzle game in which you have to arrange colored balls (green, purple, blue or yellow) to form quartets in any of several locatio...
Locomotion is an arcade-puzzle game in which you are presented with a top-down view of a railway network with a number of stations and junctions. Trai...
A clone of the original Robotron, Llamatron uses the same principle but ups the action level, graphics and sound. For those who haven't played Robotro...
Little Puff went on adventure, but now he's lost, paranoid, and has the munchies. Can you get a little puff home or will he end up chasing dragons?