This racing game comes with a novelty - instead of the more conventional vehicles, it sets you riding a sidecar in a game with realistic and arcade el...
This racing game comes with a novelty - instead of the more conventional vehicles, it sets you riding a sidecar in a game with realistic and arcade el...
Set during the first Gulf War, the simulation takes place on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt where players flew sorties with the aim of defeating the...
This fully fledged program understands all the rules of chess including, underpromotion, the fifty move rule and draws by repetition, it can achieve t...
It's a tetris variant that's rather unkind to the colourblind. Catchy music and addictive gameplay though!
Colonel Henri Dijon lives in the mansion Misty Acres with his servants, the cook and his pets; Beauregard the hound, Blaize his horse & Polly Parrot...
Despite the name conjuring up images of a cutesy platform creature, your charge in this game is in fact a helicopter armed to the teeth. The game requ...
On each of Clockwiser's levels, you are presented with a level layout, and a target layout, with the aim being to transform the former to match the ta...
Cliffhanger is based on the 1993 Sylvester Stallone movie. The lead character, Gabe Walker, is an expert in high mountain search and rescue and receiv...
After being captured in Africa for the purpose of being put in a zoo, turbulence hits the plane transporting CJ to England causing his cage to open, h...
Somewhere in the deepest darkest reaches of the african jungle CJ the elephant is playing. Suddenly there is a explosion, CJ turns around and sees a ...